First of all, thanks to Akademikerhilfe for installing wifi-accesspoints all over the building in Pfeilheim4-6 as this guide would never would not have come to existance otherwise ;)
To get started, this page shows how to configure various devices with security in mind. Your login credentials will be the same as those you use for extending your users' agreement (Benützervertrag).
Note: Before you can login with the login-credentials you have to change your password first (you can 'change' it to the same as it was before), the crucial step is the re-setting.
Windows 7
Step1:Select the wireless-network called
Step2:Use the same login credentials as for the
Akademikerhilfe-PortalNote: You have to change your the portal-password before the login works!
Step3:When connection for the first time, a warning will show up.
Verify that values for
Radius-Server and the
Root-CA are
equal to those on the
image. If the values are the same, click
Step4:You are connected and the internet is already accessible. The
folling steps are
necessary for your
account-securityTherfore: right-click onto to wireless-symbol and
open the
Network and Sharing Center
Step5:Select the entry called
pfeilheim-wlan and open it by double-clicking or with right-click and then clicking on properties
Step7:1-3 should be equal to your configuration, simply tick 4 and 5 and add a 'public-name'
Windows 10
Windows OSX
Step1:Select the wireless-network called
Step2:Use the same login credentials as for the
Akademikerhilfe-PortalNote: You have to change your the portal-password before the login works!
Step3:If your mobile phone supports selection of a 'CA certificate' it is
strongly advised to choose
'use system certificates' and
add '' to the Domain-field
click next and you are done
As always: if you have further questions or problems with the configuration, drop a mail: